Climate Change

Action Alert: Government Inaction on Climate Change, Dominate the Letters Pages

Climate Action Network/Réseau Action Climat Canada

We had a pretty good day yesterday in our efforts to explain the real goal of the Harper government but they definitely did well too with all kinds of headlines about getting tough on polluters. This was their only goal headlines to create the impression of action.

We need a second wave of comment across the country today. We absolutely must dominate the letters pages of newspapers everywhere. Why must present the clear message that there is a con going on and future generations are the victims. Read More

YEP Calgary presents Johanne Gelinas, Canada's Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textfield-2"><div class="form-item"> <label>Location: </label> Calgary </div> </div><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <p><a href="">YEP Calgary</a> is pleased to announce a special speakers event, proudly sponsored by Deloitte &amp; Touche LLP: <br /></p><h4>Johanne Gélinas, Canada’s <a href="">Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development</a></h4><p><a href="">Johanne Gélinas</a> leads a <a href="">specialized team</a> within the <a href="">Office of the Auditor General of Canada (OAG)</a> that audits environmental and sustainable development issues of concern to Canadians by examining the performance of the federal government in meeting its stated commitments in these areas. The Commissioner is independent of government and reports directly to Parliament. Johanne will speak about her career, her role as Commissioner and her experiences as a member of the Auditor General’s office. She will also share the results of the <a href="">recently published climate change audit </a>and her perspective of what Canada’s next steps should look like.</p> </div> </div></div>
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Oil Sands Consultations in Edmonton

Sierra Club of Canada — Prairie Chapter

The provincial government is currently conducting public consultations to determine how the people of Alberta want the oil sands to be developed. These consultations are to the multi-stakeholder panel/committee which consists of representatives from industry, government, indigenous peoples, Metis, and environmental non-governmental organizations. They will be held in 7 locations across Alberta (find out when they will be in your community). Read More

PM Harper wants a 'Made in Canada' plan. This is how to get it!

Climate Action Network/Réseau Action Climat CanadaSierra Club of Canada - Prairie Chapter

September 12, 2006

(Edmonton) The Climate Action Network/Réseau Action Climat Canada (CAN-RAC) is beginning its tour to find out what Canadians want in a Kyoto plan to address the climate crisis. “Climate Action Tour 2006” will present a series of workshops across the country for Canadians of all regions to design a climate action plan. The tour is part of the network’s plan to get Canada back on the Kyoto track and re-emerge as the global good guy Canadians expect it to be. Read More


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