Climate Change
U of C Eco Club and the U of C Student's Union present Global Warming Week
SDTC Business, Investment and Funding Opportunities in Renewable Fuels and Oil and Gas - Calgary
SDTC Business, Investment and Funding Opportunities in Renewable Fuels and Oil and Gas - Edmonton
Citizens and Conservationists target US Oil Giant ConocoPhillips
For destruction of Caribou Habitat and Alberta by Industrial Development and Global Warming
A rally will take place at the corporate offices of US oil giant ConocoPhillips in Calgary, Alberta on December 1st @11am to highlight the desperate situation of the Little Smoky Caribou, the demise of Alberta’s caribou habitat from industrial development, and from global warming’s devastating impacts on the boreal forest.
The Little Smoky caribou herd is considered at immediate risk of extinction with less than 100 individuals left thanks to the activities of corporations like ConocoPhillips in caribou habitat. While the Alberta Caribou Committee stalls, petroleum companies such as ConocoPhillips are racing ahead and further degrading their habitat with industrial development. A petition submitted almost a year ago to the Federal government asking for the implementation of the emergency provision of the Species at Risk Act has received no response to date. While the caribou committees are trying to plan for caribou recovery the petroleum industry is forging ahead with development in critical threatened caribou habitat. Read More
Request for Funding Proposals: Community Climate Action Project for YOUth!
Youth Environmental Network (YEN)
YEN is now accepting funding proposals for Climate Action micro-grants! Read on to see if your project is an eligible recipient partner!
What: grants of max $2,500.00
When: Deadline for applications December 10th, 2006
This project is all about YOUth taking action on Climate Change! This is a National Micro-grants Project presented in Partnership between YEN and Heritage Canada to deliver micro-grants to Canadian youth implementing innovated solutions to Climate Change! If you are youth (16-25 years of age) or part of a youth-driven initiative interested in applying for funding from the Youth Environmental Network’s Youth-led Climate Action Project – Read on! Read More
Water & Cities: What can be done to future-proof our water supply?
Youth Action on Climate - October 18, 2006
Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, de la Coalition Canadienne des Jeunes pour le Climat
Sign the youth declaration and find out more at
Register your event (even at the planning stage) ASAP — [email protected] and [email protected]
Signez la déclaration jeunesse et apprenez en plus à
Faîtes connaître votre événement dès que possible — [email protected] et [email protected] Read More
Global warming gets worse as Alberta ignores issue
October 12, 2006
OTTAWA — Alberta needs to realize that ignoring global warming makes it worse; it does not make it disappear, according to a new David Suzuki Foundation study.
“Alberta has the fourth-largest provincial economy, but it’s the number one producer of greenhouse gases, says report author Dale Marshall, a David Suzuki Foundation policy analyst based in Ottawa. “That pollution is mainly from the oil and gas sector, and it’s exploding with the work on the tar sands. Add five new coal-fired power plants, and the outlook is disturbing.” Read More