<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item">
<label>Description: </label>
<h3 align="center"><a href="/files/AEN%20Annual%20Meeting%20Poster%20-%20FINAL%20wo-bleeds.pdf"><img src="/files/images/AEN_AGM_220.jpg" alt="AGM & Conference Poster" title="AGM & Conference Poster" hspace="7" vspace="0" width="220" height="340" align="right" /></a></h3><p align="justify">A bioregional gathering of all friends of the Athabasca River Basin from Jasper through Ft. Chipewyan and beyond. The conference will offer an exciting opportunity to support and strengthen existing groups and build new ones as we build and launch a coalition focusing on the protection of the Athabasca River.</p><p align="justify">The weekend will include plenaries and panel discussions on water management in the province and for the Athabasca specifically. Speakers currently include: Dr. David Schindler, Dr. John O'Connor, Andrew Nikiforuk, and many more.</p><p align="justify">The Alberta Environmental Network Annual General Meeting and Spring Caucus Meetings will be held in conjunction with the conference. Caucuses include: </p><ul><li>Clean Air & Energy;</li><li>Toxics & Waste Avoidance;</li><li>Forests & Wilderness;</li><li>Water;</li><li>Agriculture;</li><li>Parks;</li><li>Electricity Working Group; and <br /></li><li>Oil Sands Strategy Working Group.</li></ul><div align="justify">Joint <a href="/node/1368#registration">registration</a> for the conference and AEN meetings is available. </div><h3><a href="/node/1368#program">Conference Schedule</a></h3><h3><a href="/files/athabasca_riverbasin_program.pdf">Download Conference Program (pdf) </a></h3><h3><a href="/node/1368#registration">Registration Information</a></h3>