Alberta Environmental Network

AEN Annual General Meeting

May 30 2008 - 5:00pm to Jun 1 2008 - 11:00pm

This year's Alberta Environmental Network Annual General Meeting will occur in the beauty of the foothills overlooking the wonders of the Alberta Rocky Mountains. Kootenay Plains is one of the most interesting places in the front ranges of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta. Classified as a "Montane" range, its unique characteristics result in very little rainfall through the year and weather conditions can be very different than places just an hour's drive away. Please join with us as we celebrate the AEN's accomplishments and build a strong network for tomorrow! Read More

Keeping the Pressure on Bill 1

As many of you will be aware, the AEN is a facilitative organization that provides support to the work of Alberta-based environmental organizations. This is accomplished by coordinating cooperative efforts through coalitions and caucuses; facilitating consultations with governments and agencies at the municipal, provincial, national and international levels; providing training opportunities; and by maintaining internet-based communications systems.

As a facilitative organization, the AEN does not take positions on substantive issues (as this is the role of our member groups, caucuses, and coalitions). However, Bill 1: The Lobbyists Act threatens to undermine a fundamental purpose of the AEN by compromising our memberships' ability to participate in stakeholder processes. Consequently, the AEN board views this as a process-related issue requiring action. Read More

Action Alert: Organizing Opposition to Bill 46, the Alberta Utilities Commission Act

From: Jeannette Bolli

I'm working with the Alberta Environmental Network, helping to coordinate opposition to Bill 46: Alberta Utilities Commission Act, and to oppose any infringements on citizens' rights, by the proposed revamping of the Alberta Energy Utilities Board.

  • If you’ve started organizing something to oppose the bill, I want to hear from you ASAP. Call Jeannette Bolli at 1-780-468-2204
  • If you’ve read the bill and have an opinion/expertise to offer, register with me as a speaker/organizer, at [email protected], re: bill 46
  • If you need help organizing an informational meeting in your area, including funding, e-mail me at [email protected] re: bill46
  • If you don’t like what the AEUB have been doing so far, or are a land/residence owner or an ordinary Albertan, please go to in October and read about our informational meetings. These meetings will inform you how to change legislation in a once in a decades opportunity.

Call for AEN Board of Directors

Together we will build a strong, informed and connected environmental movement across Alberta!

If you are an active member of the Alberta Environmental Network, through group membership, participation on one of many caucuses or one of our networking activities, then please consider putting your name forward for our annual Board elections. This year we will be electing five 2-year positions and one 1-year position. Elections will take place at the AENs Annual General Meeting, planned for the 3rd of June, 2007 in Athabasca, Alberta. Read More

Athabasca River Basin Stewardship Conference & AEN Annual General Meeting

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <h3 align="center"><a href="/files/AEN%20Annual%20Meeting%20Poster%20-%20FINAL%20wo-bleeds.pdf"><img src="/files/images/AEN_AGM_220.jpg" alt="AGM &amp; Conference Poster" title="AGM &amp; Conference Poster" hspace="7" vspace="0" width="220" height="340" align="right" /></a></h3><p align="justify">A bioregional gathering of all friends of the Athabasca River Basin from Jasper through Ft. Chipewyan and beyond. The conference will offer an exciting opportunity to support and strengthen existing groups and build new ones as we build and launch a coalition focusing on the protection of the Athabasca River.</p><p align="justify">The weekend will include plenaries and panel discussions on water management in the province and for the Athabasca specifically. Speakers currently include: Dr. David Schindler, Dr. John O&#39;Connor, Andrew Nikiforuk, and many more.</p><p align="justify">The Alberta Environmental Network Annual General Meeting and Spring Caucus Meetings will be held in conjunction with the conference. Caucuses include: </p><ul><li>Clean Air &amp; Energy;</li><li>Toxics &amp; Waste Avoidance;</li><li>Forests &amp; Wilderness;</li><li>Water;</li><li>Agriculture;</li><li>Parks;</li><li>Electricity Working Group; and <br /></li><li>Oil Sands Strategy Working Group.</li></ul><div align="justify">Joint <a href="/node/1368#registration">registration</a> for the conference and AEN meetings is available. </div><h3><a href="/node/1368#program">Conference Schedule</a></h3><h3><a href="/files/athabasca_riverbasin_program.pdf">Download Conference Program (pdf) </a></h3><h3><a href="/node/1368#registration">Registration Information</a></h3> </div> </div></div>


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