Bow Riverkeeper Citizen's Toolkit & Webinars Online

Visit our new Citizens' Toolkit! It includes a wealth of information about water science and policy, including online presentations from experts.

Visit to explore our Citizens' Toolkit and view online presentations.

Bow Riverkeeper, with the support of Alberta Ecotrust and Alberta Environmental Network, held three webinars (online workshops) over the last six months to build the capacity and knowledge of those interested and involved in Alberta's water issues.

The webinars explored three topics: shared governance in the watershed context, the basics of groundwater science and the knowledge gaps, and groundwater policy and regulation in Alberta and beyond. As well, you will find a compilation of useful resources on each topic for further developing your knowledge.

Experts presented each webinar and shared their knowledge and insight with participants. These presentations are now available online.

Shared Governance in the Watershed Context

In these online presentations, Mary-Ellen Tyler and Michael Quinn, both of the University of Calgary, share their knowledge of the complexity of governance in the watershed context. Danielle Droitsch of Bow Riverkeeper shares her keen observations of shared governance under Water for Life.

Shared governance is highly relevant in Alberta as Alberta's water strategy, Water for Life, relies heavily on sharing governance responsibilities with many types of water users.

Groundwater Basics: State of Science and Information in Alberta

Two experts from Alberta Environment, David McKenna and Rob George, present the basics of the water moving beneath us and help inform our decision making.

As Alberta's population grows, as our demands increase, and as our use of land threatens surface and groundwater quality, groundwater protection is crucial. Understanding of basic groundwater science and what we know and don't know are the foundation for this protection. David and Rob not only explain the basics but also identify the gaps in knowledge necessary to fill and thereby protect this increasingly important resource.

Groundwater Policy: How do Alberta and other jurisdictions regulate groundwater?

Along with the science of groundwater, understanding how we regulate and protect groundwater is crucial for informed action and good land-use and water-use decisions.

Claude Eckert from Alberta Environment expertly explains Alberta's groundwater regulations and policy. Linda Nowlan of University of British Columbia complements the Alberta context with examples from British Columbia, Ontario, and a few places in the United States.

Stay tuned for future webinars in 2008! If there are particular topics that interest you, email Meghan Beveridge at [email protected].