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<p><a href="http://www.cpans.org">Air & Waste Management Association — Canadian Prairie and Northern Section</a></p><h3>About the Presentation</h3><p>EIA Process Improvement - 3PC and Other Initiatives: Alberta's environmental assessment process was last overhauled in 1993 with the passing of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and the two associated regulations - Environmental Assessment Regulation and Environmental Assessment (Mandatory and Exempted Activities) Regulation. At that time, four or five projects in one year was considered excessive. Alberta Environment is now coordinating the review of 12 EIAs concurrently, three more have been submitted and have been placed in a queue; approximately 26 more EIAs that will be submitted by the first quarter of 2009. Furthermore, the current projects, and their related EIAs are becoming increasingly complex and stakeholders have greater expectations about the role of EIAs and their participation in the process. To address this growing workload Alberta Environment, its regulatory partners and industry are looking at a variety of improvements to the EIA process. Examples include the use of third-party reviewers (the 3PC initiative), developing standardized Terms of Reference and an associated Guide to EIAs, developing guidance for EIA reviewers to ensure an improved Supplemental Information Request process, and looking at the Mandatory and Exempted list. Most of these process improvements are small changes that will lead to incremental improvements - however, what may be needed is a major overhaul.</p><h3>About the Presenter </h3><p>Chris is the Environmental Assessment Team Leader with Environmental Management Division, Northern Region, in Alberta Environment. His work involves managing the provincial EIA process, developing policies and procedures, making regulatory decisions related to EIAs, and contracting out the technical reviews of oil sands integrated applications. Chris has a B.Sc. in Ecology and an M.Sc. in Plant Ecology from the University of Guelph and has worked with the Department since 1981. Chris was the recipient of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association's Edward M. Watkin Award in 1988, the Noranda Land Reclamation Award in 2001 and the Alberta Chamber of Resources 2004 Reclamation Citation for lifetime achievement. Chris is an avid genealogist and has recently taken up rock polishing.</p><h3>About the Luncheon</h3><p>The luncheon is scheduled for Tuesday October 30th. The luncheon will follow the usual format of a buffet lunch, and I am accepting reservations from now until noon, Friday October 26th at 3pm. I cannot accept reservations after this date. Please contact me by e-mail at <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">mbisaga</span> [at] <span class="d">otonabee [dot] ca</span></span></p><p><strong>Location:</strong> The University of Alberta Faculty Club (11435, Saskatchewan Drive), Papaschase Room (upstairs, right)<br /><strong>Date:</strong> Tuesday October 30th, 2007<br /><strong>Time:</strong> 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. (registration starts at 11:45)<br /><strong>Cost:</strong> $20 - A&WMA Members / $25 Local Associates / $30 - Non-Members / $15 - Seniors/Students (includes hot lunch & coffee). All prices include GST & gratuities.<br /><strong>Payment:</strong> Cash or Cheque only. Credit and debit cards are not accepted.</p><p>The U of A campus is accessible by light rail transit and bus, a map of the campus is available at: <a href="http://www.campusmap.ualberta.ca/" title="http://www.campusmap.ualberta.ca/">http://www.campusmap.ualberta.ca/</a>. I encourage you to use public transit or ride-share. Parking is available in the V-Lot (coin and credit card, $2 for the lunch hour) and Windsor (attendant on duty, $10 deposit on entrance) parking lots (see map - link above).</p><h3>Luncheon Schedule</h3><h4>Fall 2007</h4><ul><li>Oct 30 - EIA Process Improvement: 3PC and Other Initiatives - Chris Powter (Alberta Environment)</li><li>Nov 19 - Cumulative Effects Management: Alberta's Industrial Heartland</li><li>Dec 7 - Too Good to Waste: Alberta's Waste Strategy<br /></li></ul><h4>Winter 2008</h4><ul><li>Feb 1 - TBA</li><li>Mar 7 - TBA</li><li>Apr 4 - TBA</li><li>May 2 - TBA</li></ul><p>Thanks,</p><p>Michael Bisaga<br />CPANS Edmonton Luncheon Director<br />www.cpans.org<br /><span class="spamspan"><span class="u">mbisaga</span> [at] <span class="d">otonabee [dot] ca</span></span></p>