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<p>Calling all <a href="http://www.casahome.org">CASA</a> stakeholders! CASA’s 250 stakeholders and 100 organizations are working on major air quality issues, including the granddaddy of them all – a Clean Air Strategy for Alberta. Find out who is working on what and how it all fits together at the CASA Coordination Workshop. Explore opportunities to work more efficiently and effectively for clean air in Alberta at this interactive one-day workshop. Learn about trends and initiatives that may impact environmental planning in Alberta. Discover what’s new at CASA and in the air quality monitoring network in Alberta. And the speed-dating for project teams event promises to be the "must attend" event of the year.</p><!--break--><p><strong>What:</strong> CASA Coordination Workshop<br /><strong>When:</strong> June 20, 2007, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.<br /><strong>Who:</strong> CASA stakeholders (board, committee and project team members) and others<br /><strong>Where:</strong> <a href="http://www.reddeerlodge.net/">Red Deer Lodge</a>, Red Deer, Alberta<br /><strong>Why:</strong> To coordinate efforts and share information on air quality planning in Alberta.<br /><strong>Cost:</strong> Free with pre-registration by June 8.</p><p>If you have not done so already, please email <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">casa</span> [at] <span class="d">casahome [dot] org</span></span> to register.</p><p>Register by June 1 for a chance to win cool early bird prizes!<br /> </p>
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