Book Tour - Wild Weather: The Truth Behind Global Warming, Calgary

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textfield-2"><div class="form-item"> <label>Location: </label> Calgary </div> </div><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <p>Join <a href="">Dr. Reese Halter</a>, award-winning conservation scientist, best-selling author and professor of Botany at <a href="">Humboldt State University</a>, as he explores global warming and its affect on our weather. Using vivid examples that highlight the impact of wild weather — 200 heat-wave related deaths in the U.S. (2006), 48.1 billion acres of forest burnt (1998 ­ 2006), $7 billion ice storm clean-up (1998), and 1.3 million homeless after hurricane Katrina (2006) — Dr. Reese brings the issue of global warming to the forefront.</p><!--break--><p>Dr. Reese is excited to be giving two presentations in Calgary and Banff as part of his cross-country tour promoting his new book, <strong><em>Wild Weather: The Truth Behind Global Warming</em></strong>. Pass this information to anyone who might be interested. We look forward to seeing you at one or all of the following sessions:</p><h3>Calgary </h3><h4>Chapters Macleod Trail</h4><p><strong>Date:</strong> Sunday, April 15, 2007<br /><strong>Time:</strong> 7:30pm-8:30pm<br /><strong>Location:</strong> Chapters, 9631 MacLeod Trail SW<br /><strong>Admission:</strong> FREE!</p>Additional information about Dr. Reese and the book can be found at<div><p>Please pass this announcement widely to anyone concerned about our environment, global warming or just learning about our world. Hope to see you out there!</p><p>Please contact <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">azaleska</span> [at] <span class="d">reputations [dot] com</span></span> for more information.</p></div> </div> </div></div>
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