In June, the Government of Alberta altered the province’s Wildlife Regulation without public consultation to allow limited hunting of grizzly bears in Alberta. Grizzly bears are listed as a threatened species in Alberta, and an Alberta Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan was first completed and accepted in 2008 with the latest review and revisions in 2020.
- News Certain 'problem' grizzly bears can now be hunted in Alberta (CBC News | July 9, 2024)
- News Canada: grizzly bear hunting quietly reinstated in Alberta (The Guardian | July 9, 2024)
- Media Release Controversial Hunt Returns for Alberta’s Threatened Grizzly Bears after Ministerial Order (Alberta Wilderness Association | July 9, 2024)
- Media Release Changes to Alberta’s Wildlife Act lack evidence of effectively reducing human-bear conflict (CPAWS Northern & Southern Alberta | July 11, 2024)
- Commentary Alberta launches grizzly bear hunt, government says; it’s ‘not a bear hunt,’ government also says ( | July 10, 2024)
- Opinion Open meddling by politicians and commercial interests is putting Alberta’s fish and wildlife management at risk — Lorne Fitch ( | July 31, 2024)
- Opinion Alberta’s move to reopen the grizzly hunt should only have been made after public consultation — Kevin Van Tighem (The Globe and Mail | Aug 2, 2024)
Our friends at the Alberta Wilderness Association, have provided a template to write a letter to the Minister asking him to reverse the changes to the Wildlife Act
- Action Alert Write a Letter to Stop the Grizzly Bear Hunt (July 10, 2024)