An enthusiastic reminder to complete the Navigating the Future environmental nonprofit survey

Win $5,000 for your organization!

by Natalie Odd, Executive Director

Alberta Ecotrust has invited leaders in Alberta's environmental non-profit community to complete their quinquennial survey — Navigating the Future. As a member of this community I strongly encourage you to complete the survey - check your email for the survey link. We need to do this for each other, for the benefit of Alberta's environmental community, for collective environmental impact!

Albertans and our ecosystems depend on us to be as strategic as possible and Alberta Ecotrust's survey is a critical tool to do that. This survey is unique in Canada and focuses on an under-surveyed sector.

AEN just won $5,000 in a draw of early bird Navigating the Future survey respondents! There will be another draw, deadline June 22 — make sure you're entered!  

As a survey respondent, you will receive a report with critical data that you, your Board and staff can use for planning, assessment and gauging progress. Don't miss out on this! AEN's report was an eye-opener for us - we gained valuable knowledge about our own organization and our sector by completing the survey in 2014. We are eager to see how things have shifted 6 years later. The survey is a very good investment of your time — both for your own organization's strategic purposes and as a valuable contribution to the greater community. The survey "is a strategic tool that identifies critical resource needs, demographics, and strengths of the sector, plus the issues of environmental priority and the program and project approaches to impact. The survey provides a range of data that is relevant and critical for the entire sector and your own organization."

It's important that a large number of organizations complete the survey. The data helps all of us because it guides Alberta Ecotrust as they design their programs to meet the needs and builds the skills of the sector. Further, the information is shared with/used in aggregate form by funders across the spectrum of community investment and philanthropy, as well as government agencies and policy makers. This data helps them amplify and focus attention on the collective importance and impact of Alberta’s environmental community to leverage increased support and investment in environmental nonprofit work.

The survey is comprehensive and takes some time. Be sure to have your financial statements handy. As an incentive, all organizations who complete the survey by midnight on Monday, June 22, 2020 will be eligible for a draw to receive a $5,000 contribution towards their environmental work.

 If you haven’t received the survey and think you should have, or have questions, please contact Alberta Ecotrust at [email protected].