From the Let's Talk Mountain Parks web site:
Join the conversation! From April 14 until July 7, you're invited to provide feedback on the draft park management plans for Banff, Jasper, Waterton Lakes, Yoho, Kootenay, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks.
All Canadians are invited to share their views on these plans. The results of this engagement phase will help to finalize the management plans, after which they will be approved and tabled in Parliament and used to guide the overall direction of park management for the next ten years.
Input from Indigenous partners, stakeholders and the public during the first phase of engagement in 2019 supported development of the draft management plans for the mountain national parks. Coordination across the mountain parks demonstrates our commitment to key priorities and a landscape-level approach. Common themes and priorities in the draft management plans include:
- Conserving Natural and Cultural Heritage for Future Generations
- True to Place Experiences
- Strengthening Indigenous Relations
- Connecting with Canadians
- Managing Development
- Regional Connectivity and Landscapes, and
- Climate Change and Adaptive Management.
Individual park plans build on these themes with appropriate park-specific direction.