September 17, 2004
In November of this year, the SmartWood Program of the Rainforest Alliance
will conduct a forest management assessment of Alberta Pacific Forest
Industries Inc. (Al-Pac's) forestry management on their Forest Management
Agreement (FMA) area. The assessment will determine if Al-Pac's forest
management and operations can be certified as meeting the requirements of
the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), an independent and widely recognized
forest certification system.
This notice is to invite your comments on Al-Pac's forest management on the
FMA and to provide information about the assessment process. Information on
how to comment is provided below.
Scope of the Certification Assessment
A team of assessors will assess the environmental, silvicultural, aboriginal
and socioeconomic aspects of Al-Pac's management of its FMA based on the
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) National Boreal Standard for Canada
(Version 3.2) accredited by FSC in August 2004.
Assessment Team Composition
The assessment team will be composed of five assessors including two
foresters, an ecologist, an aboriginal specialist and a socio-economist.
The team will be led by Keith Moore RPF, a professional forester and
assessor for SmartWood.
Additional information on assessment team members can be obtained from
SmartWood or Al-Pac.
Assessment Steps and Schedule
- A short description of the certification process is set out below:
- Assessment Period - The assessment will be carried out between November 1 and December 3, 2004.
- Consultation - The assessment team will consult with, and seek information from, a wide variety of interested groups and individuals and First Nations and Metis communities throughout the assessment period up to December 3, 2004.
- Field assessments - The team will visit sites within the Al-Pac FMA from November 1 through November 12, 2004.
- Open House and Public meetings - There will be open houses and public meetings in Lac La Biche, Athabasca and Fort McMurray. Details are below.
- Draft report - The assessment team will produce a draft assessment report. It will be reviewed by Al-Pac, and at least two independent peer reviewers selected by SmartWood.
- Certification decision - After comments on the draft report are received from Al-Pac, and the independent peer reviewers, a final assessment report will be prepared and SmartWood will reach a certification decision. If Al-Pac receives FSC/SmartWood certification, a summary of the assessment
- report will be posted on the SmartWood website at
Stakeholders who may wish to dispute any aspect of the forest certification
process or decision can access SmartWood's dispute resolution procedures at
the website.
Public Comment
Your comments and feedback on the management of Al-Pac's FMA are invited as
a part of the forest certification assessment process. Comments will be
kept confidential, unless requested otherwise, and are solely for the
purpose of assisting SmartWood to assess Al-Pac's management of this FMA.
We would like to receive comments prior to November 1, 2004 so they can be
considered during the field portion of the assessment. We will accept
comments up to December 3, 2004, and will take them into consideration in
reaching a certification decision.
You can provide comments in the following ways:
- Submit written comments by e-mail, fax or mail to Keith Moore, Team Leader, at
- Email - [email protected]
- Tel - 250-559-8700 Fax - 250-559-8702
- Mail - Box 1029, Queen Charlotte City, BC, Canada V0T 1S0
- Meet or talk with the assessment team while they are on-site in November.
This can be arranged by contacting Keith Moore, as above; or - Attend an open house (at 4:30 pm) or a public meeting (at 7:30 pm) with members of the assessment team in:
- Lac La Biche, Monday, Nov. 1, McArthur Place Tea Room;
- Athabasca, Tuesday, Nov. 2, Athabasca Community Centre, basement; or
- Fort McMurray, Thursday, Nov 4, Best Western Main Floor banquet room.
Contacting SmartWood
For more information about SmartWood or the assessment, contact the
Assessment Team Leader, Keith Moore or visit the SmartWood website at
Contacting Al-Pac
For information about Al-Pac's interest in certification, or documents that
Al-Pac will present to the assessors, contact:
- Brent Rabik
- Address - Box 8000, Boyle, Alberta TOA 0M0
- Tel - 780-525-8348
- Email - [email protected]
FSC is an international organization created in 1993 by representatives from
environmental and social groups, Aboriginal organizations, industry, and
certification bodies from around the world. Certification allows companies
to demonstrate their adherence to FSC's strict principles for responsible
forest management, which include: environmental protection, Aboriginal
rights, forest management planning, community development and employee
relations. Companies who successfully achieve certification can affix the
FSC logo to their product, so consumers can identify forest products that
are environmentally and socially responsible.
For information about FSC, visit their website at, or contact
Jim McCarthy, FSC Canada Executive Director by e-mail at
[email protected] or by phone at 416-778-5568 ext 22. The FSC
accredits SmartWood and approves the procedures to assess Al-Pac's forestry
To obtain a copy of the FSC National Boreal Standards, visit the FSC Canada
website at or contact SmartWood by telephone, fax or
e-mail listed below.
Keith Moore
SmartWood Team Leader