In response to the Government of Alberta's announcement of enhanced protection for the Castle area, and Alberta Parks' subsequent call for comments , the Alberta Wilderness Association has posted their submssion:
We know that truly protecting the Castle as a keystone piece of Alberta’s biodiversity mosaic requires comprehensive management plans and regulatory enforcement. AWA is seriously concerned that with the initial information we have from Alberta Environment and Parks, the designation exemplifies when a park is not a park.The protection outlined in early September is more symbolic than substantive.
Throughout the past several decades, activities including oil and gas exploration and development, livestock grazing, clear-cut logging, and high-impact recreation, including motorized recreation, have caused substantial disturbance to portions of the Castle. AWA firmly believes that now is the time to begin restoring this area from the damage of those disturbances. We also know that restoration cannot occur while the activities that caused the initial damage continue largely unabated.