Join Albertans from all walks of life working together to protect & preserve Alberta’s environment.
The Alberta Environmental Network (AEN) connects Albertans and environmental groups that are dedicated to preserving and protecting Alberta’s environment. As a non-profit and non-partisan organization, the AEN supports collaboration of the environmental community throughout the province.
We are a network of individuals and groups working together on shared concerns. AEN members include individuals and representatives from member groups that connect, collaborate and share information.
The AEN is a link between the environmental community and government, industry, the media and all Albertans.
Albertans and environmental groups are welcome to join the AEN as members – there are memberships for both individuals and groups. Members contribute to preserving and protecting Alberta’s environment by sharing information and collaborating on shared issues. Learn more about becoming a member of the AEN.
The AEN supports an inclusive and diverse environmental community for all Albertans.
Here are the latest updates, action alerts and calls for consultations. Contact us to submit your news and have it distributed to the network.
From the Regeneration Learning Society:
We are excited to announce that we are accepting applications for year the Fall Climate Leadership Program (the CLP). Applications are open until noon, October 14, 2019. The application form and information package are available for download at: Read More
As world leaders prepare to gather in New York for the UN Climate Action Summit, millions of children and students across Canada and around the world will be hitting the streets again on Friday to demand action on the climate crisis from all levels of government and society. They are calling on people of all ages to join them in a week of Global Climate Action from September 20–27.
Climate Strike groups across Canada are kicking off the week with a march and "die-in" protest on Friday, September 20:
The culmination of Global Climate Week will be another series of climate strikes across Canada on Friday, September 27. Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, whose actions inspired the global Fridays for Future climate strike movement, will be marching with climate strikers in Montréal.
Check Global Climate Strike for a Climate Strike in your town or city. GoodWork has compiled a good list of Global Climate Strike links and resources.
In between, there are a myriad of climate events and actions planned, some of which are listed in the Upcoming Events section of this email. Check out the Edmonton Climate Strike page for a schedule of events in Edmonton. The Calgary Climate Hub has a list of happenings in Calgary. Read More
A May 2017 report by the Bow River Working Group identified three reservoir options that warrant further study.
In November 2018, the Alberta government launched a conceptual assessment of the following new reservoir options: Read More
From the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry: Read More