Evening walk in Fish Creek Provincial Park

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <p>Get outside and join <a href="http://www.cpawscalgary.org">CPAWS</a> and the Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society for a guided walk through the Park. Dynamic presenters will provide information about flora and fauna in the area. Everyone is welcome to come to the meeting and become CPAWS members. </p><p><strong>When:</strong> Monday, July 9, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (approximately)<br /><strong>Where:</strong> Fish Creek Provincial Park – west entrance (Shannon Terrace) <br /><strong>Cost:</strong> Free</p><p>For more information about Fish Creek Provincial Park or for directions to the park, please visit <a href="http://tprc.alberta.ca/parks/fishcreek/welcome.asp">http://tprc.alberta.ca/parks/fishcreek/welcome.asp</a> or call (403) 232-6686 for more information. <br /><br /> </p> </div> </div></div>